My New Book!
The Joy of Slow: Restoring Balance and Wonder to Homeschool Learning
My New Book!
The Joy of Slow: Restoring Balance and Wonder to Homeschool Learning
What I’m about
Check out my latest blog posts
How to Embrace a Slower Approach to Homeschooling
In a world that often glorifies speed, multitasking, and measurable results, embracing a slower approach to homeschooling can feel countercultural. Yet, for many families, the shift to slow homeschooling brings an undeniable sense of freedom, fulfillment, and balance. Slow homeschooling isn’t about doing less; it’s about doing what truly matters—with intention and presence.
Creating a Family Rhythm that Fosters Learning and Connection
This time of year always makes me reflect on family rhythms. That’s because the seasonal shift is one that I am feeling and seeing everywhere (in the length of days, in the change in the weather, in the wild animal activity outside my window), and I intuitively begin to feel my life moving to a different tempo.
It’s That Time of Year Again!
I love the month for many reasons but one special reason is the 30 Days of Connection Challenge. Every October for the past several years, I have run the #ThirtyDaysofConnection challenge on social media. The goal is to spend the month intentionally building more meaningful connection with your children.