Chatting About All Things Homeschool

Well, it’s no secret that I love to chat about all things homeschool! Recently, I had the pleasure of appearing on a podcast called Girlfriends Chat with Angela Jordan Perry, where I shared some of our experiences and offered insight about a range of topics.


I wanted to post the content here (you can find the links below), so that you would have a chance to hear my heart concerning things like project-based homeschooling, a journey towards becoming more, doing less things better, and homeschooling with joy.


I can’t believe I didn’t mention it on the podcast, but if you want to learn more about project-based homeschooling, you should definitely check out the book, Project-Based Homeschooling by Lori Pickert. It’s a wonderful read, replete with details on how to implement and support this way of learning in your home.


I am also including the audio content from the shorter “teaser talk” that appeared on YouTube. That isΒ  where we were able to explore a topic from the podcast a little more fully.


You can find Girlfriends Chat on any of your favorite podcast platforms or at Β Go there to follow and subscribe. The teaser talk can be found on YouTube under Girlfriends Guide to Homeschooling with Angela Jordan Perry.


Thanks for listening!


Leslie Martino Podcast Interview


Leslie Martino Teaser Talk


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