Recent Podcasts

One thing that I really love doing is sharing my heart as it relates to homeschool and mothering. I truly enjoy encouraging others in their journey of growth as they venture to educate and inspire their own children.

I have always been passionate about children and the way that they see and experience the world around them. I value play, a child’s many modes of expression, and the passionate pursuit of knowledge in self-directed ways—a lifestyle of learning built around true inquiry, and process over product—very much akin to how we all go about exploring any number of things that we deeply care about.

I also believe strongly in our work as intentional parents, of protecting our learning environments. In the same way that one might curate art for a particular space—selecting, organizing, and truly looking after its presentation and well-being—we are the curators and the caretakers of our own home spaces. We must fiercely guard and protect the values we hold dear and create the atmosphere that we believe will truly nourish our children. We do this by honing in on what really matters. This involves a rejection of the need to do more and to be more, for the sake of doing “enough,” and an embrace of a desire to become more by doing less. I have found so much fulfillment in measuring our best days simply by the joy we have all experienced.

I wanted to share with you some places where you can hear me talk about these very things. I had so much fun recording the podcasts you will find below. I hope that you will listen and find some encouragement and inspiration. Please let me know if you do!


I had so much fun talking with Greta on the Greta Eskridge Podcast! We talked about things like being learners alongside our children, the importance of being available to our children and seeing them through a lens of gratitude, the power of forgiveness in cultivating relationships with our parents, and more!


In this episode I got to talk with Ginny of the 1000 Hours Outside Podcast about motherhood and connection with our children. We discussed how children in loving homes can still feel unseen.


I had the pleasure of chatting with the fabulous Leah Boden of the Modern Miss Mason Podcast. We talked about a range of things including my own education journey, the art of slowing down, and staying strong, physically and otherwise.


This episode of The Homeschool Compass Podcast was all about daily rhythms and routines. I discuss with Aimee Otto how we structure our homeschool day, favorite resources, and focusing on the things that matter most.


Fears about homeschooling are real. I have found that fear creates uncertainty, and facing those fears requires us to regain clarity and focus. I talked with Jennifer Pepito on the Wild + Free Podcast about common fears and the vision needed to combat them.


I spoke with Angela Jordan Perry of the Girlfriends Chat Podcast. We had a great conversation about moving slower and being purposeful in homeschooling.


Mamas, you are enough to meet the challenges of the task at hand. You are doing a phenomenal job! Fight for joy in your parenting and in your home education. Be intentional about cultivating the harvest you want to see. Slow down. Do less things better. You got this!

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