These Uncertain Times

A few days ago I went to the grocery store to shop for some of our day to day needs. When I saw the state of the shelves, I’m not going to lie – a bit of anxiety set in. If stores were having a hard time keeping their shelves stocked with food and other grocery items, what would we do today, next week, or in the long run? And let’s not even mention the toilet paper situation.

I have also been thinking about all the parents with children home because of indefinite school closings or because of worry over impending risk of Coronavirus. Schooling at home has now become a reality for which they weren’t prepared.

Worry. Fear. Anxiety. All very real when we consider what is happening around the world. These are confessions that personally, bring me to the cross of Christ. As I have daily discussions with the kids about what is happening around us, and try to assuage their own uneasiness, I maintain that I need God’s peace to fill my heart and mind.

I want to encourage you to set your gaze on God and the strength that only he can give. Remember that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7-9).

Let’s extend love and understanding toward one another as we take appropriate precautions in these days ahead.

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