My New Book!
The Joy of Slow: Restoring Balance and Wonder to Homeschool Learning
My New Book!
The Joy of Slow: Restoring Balance and Wonder to Homeschool Learning
What I’m about
Check out my latest blog posts
Consumption vs. Contribution
A few years ago, my husband and I began exploring some better ways of helping our children understand some big principles that very much influence how we as a family operate. One of those principles is basically built around the idea of consumption vs. contribution. Do we expect more from others than what others can expect from us?
Poetry and Tea
I’m not sure why poetry and tea pair so well together. Truth be told, there isn’t much that tea doesn’t pair well with in our home. We love tea and relish the opportunity to try new teas often. We also really love poetry.
We Didn’t “Just” Get a Dog
In December, our family got a dog. Slow winter rhythms brought much-needed rest, sweet moments of togetherness, and expansion in everyone’s heart for this new addition to our family. If that was the end of the story, it still would be a great one.