It's Nice to Meet You!
Hi, my name is Leslie. Here is a little bit about how this blog first started.
I am the mom of four amazing children. The moment that I became pregnant with my first, I realized how much more intensely I began to pursue my passions in the areas of health and wellness. The prospect of having little people whose lives God was entrusting to me, made me concerned about nourishing them well, creating a healthy environment for them to live in, and taking care of myself in a way that helped me to present my best self as their mom.
In naturally sharing my journey with other moms, I realized that I love supporting others and helping them navigate similar experiences. I was often asked questions about things like the concoctions, lotions, deodorant, and cleaners that I made; the foods I ate; natural remedies for when the kids were sick; my breastfeeding experiences; my exercise routine; and our homeschooling adventures.
Fast forward a bit and I also began passionately sharing about all things education. My background is in elementary and post-graduate education and I realized I had a lot to offer in this area as well. You can hear more about about this aspect of my bio on my coaching page, here. For podcast appearances, check here.
I enjoy sharing about the things I’ve learned and want to inspire other moms in practical ways. I write often about intentional motherhood, self-directedness in learning, and homeschooling with joy.
Fun fact: I am also a Pilates instructor and a former dancer (modern, jazz, African, ballet, etc.). I have worked as a dance instructor too!
Nowadays I am homeschooling my children, organizing learning groups with others, and working as a writer, homeschool coach, and educational consultant.
Thanks for stopping by. I’m glad you’re here!